Carlow Vintage and Classic motor club was formed in 2007, by people who share an interest in vintage and classic cars, tractors, motor cycles and other pieces of machinery, with a view to preserving those items as part of our heritage.
We are now accepting memberships for 2025!
Thinking of joining our club? We welcome members all throughout the year and here is how you can do it.
Come along to one of our members meetings which are held in the Lord Bagenal Hotel.
Membership is €30 per year.
Any Person over 18 years of age is welcome to join the club and remember, you don’t necessarily need to own a vehicle! Just a love for classic and vintage automobiles.
Membership benefits include;
Compliance with classic motor insurance requirements
Text service to keep you up to date with all club activities
Social events to include weekly road runs, bus trips, social evenings, 2 annual shows, club plates for your classic car, annual Christmas party and a pool of knowledge to help you sort those tricky jobs that crop up on your classic!
You can download the attached form and post or email it back to the secretary along with the Membership fee or a payment link can be sent to you.
FOR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL ONLY, FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW. THIS IS NOT FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS. To ensure that your name is attached to your payment, proceed as a guest and enter your card details and name. You can alternatively, after making payment, text in your name and the last 4 digits of the long number on your card so that we can track your payment. Thank you!
Please only send a cheque or postal order made payable to Carlow vintage and classic motor club. Do not post cash!